Monday, March 4, 2013

Your Job DOES NOT Love You

Your Job DOES NOT Love You!!!!

I had to speak in front of a small crowd 11 years ago, when I was 22 years old, and this is an essay that I wrote for part of my speech. I was kind of nervous because I wasn't used to speaking in front of groups of people, and by the end, I was pleasantly surprised by the reception I got from everybody.
Keep in mind, I was only 22.

March 3, 2002

Your Job DOES NOT Love You

Financial freedom is a matter of choice-YOUR choice. Professionals, executives, blue collar workers, and everyone else is trying to get ahead by trading time for dollars.

You have 2 income-producing capabilities with your body:
1.) multimillion dollar income capability- from the neck up.
2.) $6.50/hr. income capability- from the neck down.

The problem is that everybody is so busy trying to make money, that most of us miss the opportunity to create wealth. People need to ask themselves "What's the highest salary I can expect from a job?" because by having a job, you only earn what SOMEONE ELSEwill allow you to earn. This country offers a gift called free enterpriseANYONE can own their own business and set their goals and achieve whatever they want. There is a money-making, time-generating system of modern marketing perfect for anybody who is ready to choose financial freedom.

People make different choices, with the most common one being a JOB, where they get told how much they would make. It won't matter how hard you work, you will still be paid the same hourly rate. You only get paid for what you do. When your production is tied to your ability and your income is tied to your production, you will be limited in what you do, and you can only do so much because you only have 24 hours in a day.

People have a false sense of security with their jobs. They think that's where the security is. Worst of all, if a company is mismanaged, they just downsize you. People deserve better than going to work and making sure they don't say the wrong thing to the wrong person because they can DESTROY YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE. As long as you have a job, you will always face limits to your earning potential. If you are on salary it's even more restrictive, so even if you work more hours you STILL make the same amount. YOU GET PAID LESS PER HOUR TO WORK MORE HOURS.

The system is set up for you not to make it on a job. Not only do you pay taxes on everything so much, but the government purposely reduces the value of money every 10 years, not counting all your taxes. You can't make enough salary increases to make up the purchasing power that you lose. Also, when you get occasional raises on your job, the raises can't keep up with inflation, so you are WORKING HARDER TO JUST TO STAY IN THE SAME SPOT.

You won't make it on a job because you won't use your ability or stretch yourself the way you would for yourself.- THAT'S WHY YOU WIND UP BROKE. Anybody who has a job is right near poverty all the time, and when you get older, you can't save enough money to take care of yourself at your old age because there is not enough money to take care of the sickness created by people that don't stretch themselves and use their talents and abilities.

What also won't matter is who determines the amount you make because as long as someone else determines your salary and potential, you will ALWAYS be under rewarded. You should always want to be in a position that allows you the freedom to reach your full potential. the only way to do that is to participate in the free enterprise opportunities of business ownership. The free enterprise system and financial freedom IS NOT designed to learn in school. You learn it from people who made it happen.


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