Monday, March 4, 2013

How We All Pay For Our Inadequate Educational System

How We All Pay For Our Inadequate Educational System


1.) Business and government leaders who cannot think. Our business schools create MBAs who are creative in accounting so that a business can look good on paper even when profits and growth are diminishing. They offer training in the art of finance and acquisition, which when put into actual practice causes stock prices to jump and then crash. An MBA degree is often a ticket to the top, allowing people to avoid essential work experience. These new leaders lose touch with employees as people, and business becomes an accounting job. The company's "bottom line" becomes the sole concern and people are treated as little more than troublesome but necessary resources.

2.) Exploitation Of Resources. Western business only believes in what it can see, touch, smell, and taste. It thinks only in terms of tangible objects such as land, oil, gold, trees, crops, machinery, etc. Western society teaches only about the visible. It almost ignores the invisible, those less tangible aspects of our lives such as morale, motivation, self-esteem, trust, the spirit of a group when they are working well together. It has yet to develop a way to teach people how to make use of the invisible world.

3.) A nation of co-dependent wimps. More and more people blame the government for their problems, and increasing numbers of people spend their spare time submitting their resumes to other companies, always in search for a better job and benefits package. Everyone seems to be looking for a job with more pay and less work. That is a contributing factor to our tax burden going up while less and less gets done.

4.) An education that fails those who need it most. Since we punish those who don't do well in school, they often drop through the cracks and are ignored by the system. When you tell them to get a job that will only keep them at or below the poverty level, the sense of self-worth diminishes. When a person's sense of self-worth goes down, the desire and ability to work decreases too. Through this system we literally create hundreds of thousands of welfare-dependent families and people who have no hope for a better life.

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