Monday, March 4, 2013

The 7 Reasons People Reject You

The 7 Reasons People Reject You


1.) You Are A Threat To Their Lack Of Performance
-A winner mentality threatens other people whose approach to life is different. If they are lazy or don't want to take a risk, your positive attitude will annoy them, and then they make excuses. Some may even do all they can to try to bring you down and keep you from reaching your goals.

2.) Jealousy
-We have a serious problem in society. We cannot increase the standard of living for everyone without generating more wealth, and at the same time we hate on whoever is generating the wealth. Business owners are the very ones who create jobs and build whole industries, who put their heart and soul, blood and sweat into a company to produce something that can help thousands, even millions of people.

3.) Reluctance To Change
-Some people prefer the certainty of misery instead of the uncertainty of change. For some people change itself is an enemy. When you come along and challenge them to take a definite step toward changing their situation, you put them in a position where they have to make a choice. That's the one thing they don't want to do, so they come at you with resistance or rejection to avoid the confrontation of change.

4.) Misconceptions
-People don't know what they don't know. They reject what they don't understand. Sometimes it's the only reason why a person rejects you. So many people don't take the time to understand the dynamics or principles involved in what we represent. Instead of doing their own research, people prefer to make judgments based on fragments of hearsay. The unresearched judgments are a form of laziness that results in undeserved criticism and rejection of things they don't understand. This happens ALL THE TIME. No one can make an intelligent appraisal of what you do without accurate information.

5.) Mistrust
-It could be your reputation.

6.) Dislike
-If people don't like you, they don't want to believe you. That's why first impressions are so important.

7.) Experiences Of Personal Rejection and Disappointment
-Some people reject you because they have been rejected themselves. Sometimes people can have so much pain and disappointment that they fear their dreams can never come true. People are afraid of disappointment. If you keep believing in them and their dreams until they can start to believe with you, great things can happen.

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