Disclaimer: This writing is based on my perspective and how I see the NBA and professional sports, as well as the research that I did to support my claims. This is in no way meant to be a conspiracy theory or a "sour grapes" complaint, it's about opening people's minds and helping them become more aware of their surroundings. It's quite possible that the people who do think this is a conspiracy theory might not even understand the basics of what I'm trying to explain. I realize that my strong feelings about this subject will come across as ranting to the people who can't understand what I'm trying to say. With that being said, I have to keep in mind that breaking out of the mindset that you were born into is very difficult for some people, and that I'm presenting something completely opposite from what the mainstream media manufactures. Speaking about these kinds of topics openly is so difficult because people are conditioned to believe what they see on CNN, Fox News, or C-Span to be the truth. The truth is much scarier, and the deception that the globalists put on the masses becomes more and more apparent every day to the educated person that watches, questions, and researches. The truth is also hidden in plain sight for the people that care enough to find it, and eventually it will start to scream at you every day as your awareness increases.
I want to start out by saying that not everything in the sports world is as it seems. Take a minute to think about how much of your life you have spent watching sports on TV, going to games, talking about sports, listening to sports talk radio shows, checking websites on your cellphone or computer for updated scores, and then watching highlights on ESPN or other stations at the end of the day. (I admit that it's been a big part of my life ever since I became old enough to keep up with sports.) Now think about how much of your thoughts have been consumed with upcoming games, or about the nights you stayed up wondering how in the world your team blew that big lead. How many times have you found yourself reminiscing about that improbable comeback win, like you actually played in the game yourself? Now think about how much of your hard-earned money you spent on tickets, overpriced souvenirs, overpriced food and drinks, hats, jerseys, trading cards, autographs, and DirecTV packages in your lifetime. Now ask yourself these questions:
What if all of that time, emotion, and money was wasted on a lie? What if the action on the field is not what it appears to be? What if you, and millions of other people like you, have been cheated, fooled, or just outright lied to by those franchises you hold in such high regard, all for the sake of making an easy dollar?
I'm sorry to say, but it has happened, and continues to happen. The majority of us at one point have been easy prey to the people running the carnival known as professional sports. I have always felt all major sports, to a certain degree, are fixed. I think as fans we are naive to think differently. It's all a part of the ugly side of capitalism, and they are going to do what they feel is best for business. With the incredible amount of money involved in professional (and collegiate) sports, the people who run the show want as much control over their product as possible. The powers that be are clearly looking out for the best interests of their respective leagues as organizations, with little regard to the actual game, and they will continue to do what they feel is best for their businesses regardless of what fans and critics will assume. Bottom line: When a win seems too good to be true- it is. When an impossible turn of events changes the course of a game- in most cases it would be impossible. When an improbable underdog rises to the top as a Cinderella story like some kind of movie script- it is. The leagues, which are hand-in-hand with the television networks that pump billions of dollars into professional sports, fix their own games to squeeze every bit of drama they can out of every season, and to make sure the fans stay committed to their sport and glued to their TVs. In November 2010, the Harris Poll conducted a study to see how fans felt about "sports." Among the questions asked of participants was "Please rate the likelihood of the league office influencing the outcomes of games to benefit its business." Other questions also allowed the participants to rate if the possibility of games being fixed affected whether or not they watched the sport. Again, all major sports are fixed to a degree, but for the sake of this discussion and the fact that this league gets the most publicity in this topic, I'll stick with the NBA.
The NBA is controlled by one man, David Stern, a Jewish lawyer from New York City who is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations. This one man throws out $25K to $50K fines like they are going out of style, and he makes big decisions that concern individuals' futures. He has marketed the league over the years with a bigger emphasis on big name players than teams. Another way of putting it, is that in David Stern's eyes the name on the back of the jersey is more important than the name on the front. He promotes those players because they are the ones that sell tickets, jerseys, and sneakers. He has even expanded the playoff setup for more games for more profits ever since he was involved. For those that don't know, the Council On Foreign Relations is said to be an American non-profit, nonpartisan membership organization, specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. The organization really is a front for a secret society, which means that the rank-and-file (majority of organization excluding leadership) are not told the real objectives of the organization, and their knowledge is restricted to the details required by their assignments. In other words, Davis Stern is a member of an "invitation only" group of exclusive globalist elites that are highly connected to the political and financial structure of the entire world. This organization runs the entire world behind the scenes, especially when it comes to handpicking and controlling every U.S. president. The only requirement for being invited into the CFR is to be a person of influence who is deeply committed to Globalism. I'm not saying that David Stern is a part of the banker/politician cartel that runs the country, but he definitely rubs elbows with these people, and it's crystal clear that he has successfully enacted a globalist agenda for the NBA since he became commissioner. How many people in China or Germany even cared about NBA basketball in 1984?
If you pay close attention, you will notice that a disclaimer is played after every nationally televised game that says "This programming was meant for entertainment purposes only."- maybe not in those exact words, but that's message in the disclaimer. Because of the way the NBA is marketed, it's in the league's best interest for those big name players to have success. For that reason alone, that's why they do as much as they can to manipulate the outcome of games, especially the big ones, to enhance the marketability of their "entertainment". Fixing games is wrong on so many levels, and that's another story for another day, but what it's really about is having an agenda of what direction David Stern wants the teams in the league to go and how that can benefit the league as a whole. The NBA office assigns certain referees to certain games, and the type of refs assigned to a particular game tells you all you need to know about what kind of calls will be made in that game and for who. Some refs do have an agenda, but for the most part, they just do what they are told when they carry out the orders that come from the top. Part of me wants to believe that some of them are naturally honest people that work in a corrupt word that's not only controlled by the NBA, but also New York City and Las Vegas. The instructions to the referees are very subtle. They never get orders to directly fix a game, but the orders are very clear when you read between the lines. It's not the least bit surprising when you think about all the different levels of corruption in the world.
Real World Rule #1: If there is a lot of money going around, you better believe there is something shady going down.
For years the NBA has been fixing it's games, and the reason is simple.....TO MAKE MORE MONEY. The NBA is a business. Its goal is to make as much money as possible. They don't care about fans who care about and want to see some good basketball, all they care about is the casual rich fan that pays a small fortune for courtside seats to watch LeBron James or Kobe Bryant dunk, and the average Joe that buys their jerseys. David Stern does not care about the quality of games or who has the best team, all he cares about making money, and NOTHING ELSE. He tries to run the NBA like a corporation by enforcing a dress code and trying to control endorsements and comments from players or coaches. I personally find it hard to trust a man to be in charge of a game that he never played on any significant level. During the Michael Jordan era the NBA became very profitable in selling their merchandise, maybe the most profitable time in league history. When you factor in all the elements of what it takes to make the NBA run, it gets very complicated. I will say that David Stern has done a good job at making the NBA profitable......but at what cost? It's estimated that between 57% and 88% of all Americans know that the NBA is rigged. Should we really be surprised? The NBA currently has an image problem, and they get eaten alive by the NFL and MLB in ratings and profits. There's a reason why Davis Stern "half-jokingly" said that his dream Finals matchup is Lakers vs. Lakers. Since that's not possible, the next best thing would be Lakers vs. Celtics, which happens to be the classic matchup that can draw more interest, ratings, and advertising revenue than any other.
Games have been and continue to be fixed, not just by the mafia and gamblers (who have been proven to fix games even today), but by the leagues themselves. Why? Because the leagues have the most to gain from doing this. The leagues' profits mostly come from TV revenue, which is based on ratings......no ratings, no money. With that being the case, the leagues choose not to leave those billions to chance or coincidence. What's worse is that sports fans are being led astray by these leagues. If you know the leagues are lying to you - and they have proven to be excellent, yet pathological liars - then why watch? What are you really getting back from the sports that you spend your hard earned money on? Even former referee Tim Donaghy came out and made public that the NBA intentionally alters the outcomes of its own games through its referees to get better TV ratings and make more money. For the record, I would like to say that I believe Tim Donaghy's story. He was already in federal custody when he told the story, and if the FBI caught him in a lie, he would have had more prison time added to his sentence. As a matter of fact, his story was so believable that he got his prison sentence reduced. Even though the NBA had been monitoring the actions of the referees on and off the court, they had no clue about what Donaghy was doing until the FBI got involved. Since then, the NBA admitted that all of its referees had broken their collective bargaining agreement by getting into several forms of gambling. The league then issued a statement saying that it wouldn't punished its officials for this, but instead the rewrite its rules to allow the referees to gamble.
***I want you to know that this is much deeper than just referees getting orders passed down from the league office. PLEASE understand that there are layers to all of this corrupt foolishness. With the next piece of information that I'm about to share, PLEASE keep an open mind when you read it because if not, YOU WILL NOT BE RECEPTIVE TO IT. This IS NOT for the feint of heart or naive!!***
I mentioned earlier that David Stern is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations, which is in the category of Powerful Sub Families, near the top of the Pyramid Of World Power. If you are not familiar with the Pyramid Of World Power, you can go to this page and check it out. The CFR is in the category just below the Illuminati/Crown Council Of 13, who happen to be at the top of the pyramid and control all of the world's resources, especially finances and entertainment. Yes, these ruling crime families have infiltrated professional sports and created a tyranny, but that's another story entirely. Even though sports fixes have more to do with the mob and gamblers, you better believe that there is somebody else controlling things on a larger scale. First I want to point out that this organization has a special way of looking at numbers that they use for their rituals. The number 13 is significant because it's the Illuminati's signature number, and there are 13 bloodlines that make up the organization. Another significant number for them is 33, because it's the highest degree in Masonry that you can hold.
If you are old enough, you should remember that the first secret code that we learned as kids is the alphabet with a number above each letter. It starts with the letter A with the number above it and ends with Z and the number 26. It can even be used in reverse, with A being 26 and being 1. It's one of the simplest codes you could ever learn. Kids have used this code to pass letters to their friends in class. If you take a piece of paper and write out the code, it should look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
By using this code, I'm about to show you how to apply it to the major sports leagues, the networks that broadcast their games, and even government and other media establishments. Once you do the math, you'll see that the number 13 or 33, and even sometimes both are cleverly hidden in the initials. Here we go:
14 2 1
14 6 12
(1-4=-3+6=3 and 1+2=3 make 33)
3 2 19
(3x2=6-19=negative 13)
1 2 3
(1+2=3 and 3 make 33)
20 14 20
5 19 16 14
Here is a trickier one:
6 15 24
F = 6th letter of the alphabet
O = 15th letter of the alphabet (1=5=6)
X = 24th letter of the alphabet (2=4=6)
In other words, FOX = 666
To further cover up this corruption, in September of 2010, the NBA announced that it was expanding its "respect for the game" guidelines to include unsportsmanlike actions that they feel take away from the product on the floor and how it looks on television. In other words, this new rule made any reaction to a bad call a technical foul and an automatic fine, and David Stern dared anybody to complain about the officiating to the press. Guidelines for issuing technical fouls now include gestures like throwing a fist in the air out of anger, arm waving ,and excessive questioning of the call, even in moderate tones. With the game being so emotional, how does the NBA expect the players to keep their cool all the time? I even heard that the players were never consulted about the rule changes. The NBA is basically trying to silence of the players and coaches by force, but what the league is really doing is violating their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and the right to protest. Giving this kind of authority to already suspect NBA referees gives the power and more opportunities to change the outcome of a game. The way they implement this recent rule change could serve to rob the game of its emotional edge. The refs can basically fix a game the way they see fit. If a ref has a grudge against a player, change the outcome of a game by ejecting that player (Joey Crawford/Tim Duncan or Hue Hollins/Scottie Pippen). It doesn't matter if the player has a valid argument. It also doesn't matter that a referee could be screwing with the game for their own benefit...at least, not to the NBA. As little sense as it makes, it's just one way that officials can fix a game or games. One other way is by deciding to not call a foul, or slew of fouls, that occur during a given game. In addition, they could choose to call phantom fouls - fouls that never even occurred. By doing any of these things, the referees can manipulate the score to be within a range of their selection. It is the oldest trick in the book and, to be quite honest I'm sick and tired of seeing it happen, and so are the players. It's one thing for all the hotheads of the league to argue the calls, but I'm seeing some of the most respected and knowledgeable players and coaches, past and present, chastising referees because they can't understand how certain calls can be made. It should also be pointed out that NBA referees have more influence than any referee in any sport.
If the NBA had any kind of integrity, they would have put the clamps on this a long time ago instead of using this rule change to add to the foolishness. Only in the NBA can a referee literally pick a fight with a player like Joey Crawford did with Tim Duncan in 2007 and still have a job. At the very least, he should have been banned from officiating Spurs games for the rest of his career once he came back from his suspension. Instead, it's the exact opposite. I know the Spurs have won championships with him officiating in games, but it's not a coincidence that he gets assigned to Spurs games when they are on the verge of closing out a series. If you don't believe me, think about this: we didn't see Joey at all in the 1st round against the Lakers, probably because the NBA felt that the Lakers didn't have a chance against the Spurs without Kobe. In Round 2 against the Warriors with there being a real chance at an upset, Joey was front and center in Game 6, which was the elimination game. We also didn't see Joey again until Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals against the Grizzlies. We all know that if a team goes down 3-0 in a series, it's over.....Joey was there to slow or stop the Spurs' momentum. And then, of course we all know about Game 6 of the NBA Finals, which happened to be an elimination game for the Miami Heat. There is a widespread belief that Joey Crawford is the most crooked ref in the NBA, and that besides the games he fixes, he has a hand in other fixed games because his connections with fellow corrupt referees run deep.
Here are the 2 of the biggest fundamental problems with NBA refereeing:
1.) Referees ref the players and not the plays.
In other words, referees have biases, good or bad, against certain players and coaches. This is not a big secret, nor is it particularly surprising. This has been going on forever and will continue. It's also why I can't stand players who whine to the refs because it only adds to the problem. When it's all said and done, referees are human and if they keep getting screamed at constantly by the same player in inappropriate ways, the ref will start screwing the player with bad calls, even if it's just done subconsciously.
2.) The NBA has a star system.
There is no doubt about the overall benefits that the NBA gets from having its big market teams and big stars competing in June every summer. I believe the league gives its "money players" extra leeway on the court to make sure they reach the levels of success that it needs to be profitable. We have seen a star system basically since the NBA's inception, but the teams to benefit the most from it have been the Lakers, Celtics, and Michael Jordan's Bulls. I have never been a fan of this system, but I had no choice but to live with it (until now). What this star system means, is that when a small market team plays either the Lakers or the Celtics and it's in the NBA's best interest for them to win, it means the small market team has to have a better game plan, play harder, minimize mistakes, and keep your mouth shut with the refs. Don't get me wrong, the Spurs didn't lose the NBA Finals to the Heat because of bad officiating. Joey Crawford didn't have 8 turnovers in Game 6 or leave Ray Allen wide open for a 3-pointer to tie the game and send it to overtime. But you have to know that in a high stakes game like that one you have to be better than the refs, because if you give them the opportunity, THEY WILL STEAL THE GAME FROM YOU!!
Once again Tim Donaghy, a former NBA referee, has publically admitted that the NBA fixes its games to generate better television ratings and make more money for both itself and the networks that basically fund the sport. He also said that referees are instructed to avoid calling fouls on “star” players, ignore or strictly enforce rules as the situation calls for, and ultimately, alter the outcomes of certain key games should the need arise. However, NBA employees and sports media outlets have a financial interest in dismissing the idea of rigged games, so the issue is downplayed and uncomfortably avoided. The reason why this subject will continue to get pushed aside is because no sports reporter will follow up on it because their livelihood is directly tied to the end result. For one thing, if one league is crooked, there is a good chance that others are fixed as well. The networks won't touch the story either, because they also have billions of dollars tied to pro sports and can't afford to have the truth revealed. But it's so rampant and insultingly obvious that sometimes even some NBA insiders can't help but say something about it. Most importantly, the FBI won’t investigate further because no crime is being committed. The NBA, and every other pro sports league, can intentionally fix the outcomes of their games without committing a crime. It is not illegal. Fixing a game for gambling purposes is, yet doing the same for entertainment purposes is not.
It's amazing how "luck" can go the NBA’s way. With the ratings already on a steady decline, the Spurs-Cavaliers 2007 NBA Finals had some of the worst ratings in league history, but in the ensuing offseason, the NBA signed its most lucrative contract with the TV networks to date, bringing the league nearly $1 billion a season. What happened the very next season? The NBA was “blessed” with the dream match-up of the Boston Celtics against the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2008 NBA Finals. I don't believe it was just good luck on the NBA’s part. With the Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen being traded to the Celtics and Pau Gasol being traded to the Lakers (while Kobe Bryant, who publically demanded a trade right before the season started because he saw no hope for the Lakers that year, stayed with the team) both teams were able to significantly bolster their rosters. Of course, both teams easily made the playoffs, and then their "magic" really started to take shape. With the Lakers and Celtics going head-to-head, the 2008 NBA Finals brought in massive ratings. ESPN's numbers were up 35% and ABC's were up 28% from the year before according to Broadcasting & Cable magazine which cited Neilsen Media Research. Even the ratings from both Conference Finals series skyrocketed 40% over the year before. Then, when the Lakers and Celtics both won their series, the NBA had its dream matchup with its two most storied franchises going against each other. Not only did the league benefit from having both the East and West Coasts covered, they had the two teams with the biggest fan bases playing each other. Then if you throw in the hype of the rich history and storied rivalry between the teams, and you have a 2008 NBA Finals that saw a ratings boost of almost 45% from the previous year. That was the perfect way for the NBA to make good on that $1 billion a year TV revenue contract and bring its broadcasting partners the highest ratings in recent memory. I personally don't believe it was luck or coincidence.
It's time for David Stern (or Adam Silver) to actually fix the game itself. The NBA is a great product, but not a great game anymore, and it hasn't been for a long time. There are just too many obvious discrepancies for the game to stay mainstream with sports fans. At some point, accountability will have to be demanded from the public, or the NBA will be seen in the same light as the WWE. For those referees out there that might possibly read this that don't fix games, be proud of yourself for that, because you are few and far between. This type of corruption has gone on long enough and needed to be addressed YESTERDAY!! It's not fair to the players or fans, and it gives Vegas an unfair advantage in gambling on NBA games. Yes I'm aware that a lot of people do bet on games, but Vegas has no right to fix these games to their benefit. No other sport can be single-handedly controlled the way that basketball can and it's a shame that the NBA would rather carefully control the games with their officials than allow the real talent on the court to decide the outcome of the games. Obviously, games can only be fixed to certain degree, and I don’t think the players are in on it, but the refs can definitely dictate the pace of game. It's time to stop all the cover-ups and brushing off bad performances by officials, and start restoring consistency with rules interpretations. That might mean losing some officials, but for the integrity of the game it's worth it. Doing these things will go a long way toward bring integrity and accountability back to the game, but it's all up to the commissioner.
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